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Jay Z, Beyonce & Chance The Rapper Star In Ad For Hillary Clinton

Watch a new ad filmed at Jay Z and Beyonce's Clinton rally in Cleveland.

If you saw any footage from Jay Z and Beyonce's concert in Cleveland Friday night, you'll know that the power couple are endorsing Hillary Clinton in this election, and today they've shared a new ad encouraging fans to use their vote this Tuesday.
Premiered on Tidal, the ad features words from both Jay and Bey, as well as guests at the show like Chance The Rapper and Big Sean. "She's killing this race, but she needs all of our help as American citizens to go out on November 8th and cast our vote," says Chance during a clip from his performance.
"For so long our voices weren’t part of the process," Jay offers. "Our voices weren't being heard."

Watch the full clip below, and watch highlights from the show here.

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